
Online Scan Virus - VirSCAN

Online Scan Virus - VirSCAN is a very powerful online virus scanning sites, different other online anti-drug website, VirSCAN used over more than 30 kinds of anti-drug engine to scan the file if in possession of viruses, such as famous AntiVir, AVAST!, AVG , Kaspersky, mks_vir and so on, testing time required is longer, but there is a higher accuracy rate, and give the user upload a file suspicious degree of recommendation. is a non-commercial users free of charge for the vast number of web services, which through a variety of security vendors to provide the latest version of the anti-drug engine you upload suspicious files online scan, and can immediately check the results are displayed, thus available to the extent that you upload the file suspicious recommendations.

You can upload files to any format web VirSCAN dangerous drugs, but the file size should not exceed 10MB, if you want to scan multiple files can be compressed as a RAR or ZIP format, but one may not be more than 10 files. If you do not rest assured that compressed files can also be set to the password "infected" or "virus", VirSCAN can Scan Virus.

VirSCAN is not an anti-virus software, which means that computer users can not be VirSCAN protection. VirSCAN and anti-drug results will not bear any responsibility, that is to say if the file appears as unsafe, and does not mean that the file is indeed poisoning; file appears as safety, it does not mean the file if it contains any new virus or malicious tools , VirSCAN not file poisoning antidotes or repair action.